1.0.3 is out, have fun!

First, let me explain:the 1.0.2 version was released only for Android. This is because I’ve found some bugs and felt the version wasn’t really ready, but needed a urgent fix for Android users. This version have some important bug fixes and improved the game a bit. I now started working on 1.1 version, that will have lots of new feature I’ll tell you guys later.


Changes in 1.0.3:

– fix stage boss jumping out of screen
– fix player falling beyond floor after dying to a boss
– password now stores the selected player
– restart stage music after dying to a boss
– fix Ape walking midair
– better control on player speed
– better speed limit (40 fps)
– lower touch damage


As usual, you can get it from our downloads page. Some ports will be released later, we now have both 32 and 64 bits Linux based on Ubuntu and Mint.

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