No new is good news

[lang_pt-br]Como o Rockbot é um projeto, basicamente de uma pessoa, às vezes eu preciso tirar “férias” dele, para descansar, jogar videogames e relaxar um pouco, principalmente quando o meu trabalho do dia a dia me deixa sem vontade de programar (leia-se, eu estou em um projeto chato). E foi isto que ocorreu nos últimos dois meses, joguei muito Playstation 3, espaireci e agora, aos poucos estou voltando.

Reorganizei bastante a lista de tarefas pela frente, tornando cada versão beta menor e adicionando um sétimo beta à lista. Estas últimas versões tendem a demorar mais pois eu tenho que encarar alguns bugs que vem desde o início do projeto, e apesar de pouco impactantes, tendem a ser muito difíceis de resolver. Enfim, de maneira geral, o que teremos pela frente é:

BETA5 (DONE): lots of bug-fixes, skull castle stage intro with path indicator, move some classes to sub-folders in project, experimental android port, remove threads, fix dynamic background flickering, centewred-weapon can be destroyed, fixed technobot colorcycle affecting menus, fix crash when leaving game, fix turn in NPCs, add in-game config, a beaten stage can have a different tileset and background, NPC with static background, add weapon support in editor and more, .

BETA5 (Ongoing): stages adjustments, replace copyrighted tiles by free or custom ones, break bosses artificial inteligence into new chain system, add option for PSP to change between fullscreen or windowed, fix for transition screen and dynamic backgrounds, gravity-level for NPCs, destroy NPC centered-weapon by using TNT Flash, editor adjustments and code cleaning.

BETA6: better teleporting stop-method by checking first non-blocking tile (from bottom to top), better ending credits, move drawing methods to draw class, bolts and shop, AI jump-up and jump-down, fix max projectile logic for weapons, setup rock and beta differences.

BETA7: fix for 3rd level of tiles on transition screen, remove build warnings in all platforms, implement different frame sizes in game collision, create spawn-npc AI action, NPC death AI, action, NPC hit AI action, optimize memory usage by using game_data directly when a copy is not needed, new/better intro.

RC1: optimization, reduce memory usage

After 1.0: Ports for Dreamcast, XBox, OSX and Wii; more optimization and code checking with cppcheck and coverity


[lang_en]As Rockbot is a project, basicaly, made only by one person, sometimes I need to take “vacation” from it to rest, play videogames and relax a bit, mostly when my day-work leaves me with no desire to code (AKA, I am in a boring project). And that was what happened in the last two months, I’ve played a lot of Playstation 3, emptied the mind, and now, slowly, I’m returning.

I reorganized a lot of tasks ahead, making each beta version smaller and adding a 7th beta to the list. Those last versions tend to be really slower because I have to face off some bugs that are still from the project start and are mostly difficult to solve. Anyway, in a general way, what we have ahead is:

BETA5 (DONE): lots of bug-fixes, skull castle stage intro with path indicator, move some classes to sub-folders in project, experimental android port, remove threads, fix dynamic background flickering, centewred-weapon can be destroyed, fixed technobot colorcycle affecting menus, fix crash when leaving game, fix turn in NPCs, add in-game config, a beaten stage can have a different tileset and background, NPC with static background, add weapon support in editor and more, .

BETA5 (Ongoing): stages adjustments, replace copyrighted tiles by free or custom ones, break bosses artificial inteligence into new chain system, add option for PSP to change between fullscreen or windowed, fix for transition screen and dynamic backgrounds, gravity-level for NPCs, destroy NPC centered-weapon by using TNT Flash, editor adjustments and code cleaning.

BETA6: better teleporting stop-method by checking first non-blocking tile (from bottom to top), better ending credits, move drawing methods to draw class, bolts and shop, AI jump-up and jump-down, fix max projectile logic for weapons, setup rock and beta differences.

BETA7: fix for 3rd level of tiles on transition screen, remove build warnings in all platforms, implement different frame sizes in game collision, create spawn-npc AI action, NPC death AI, action, NPC hit AI action, optimize memory usage by using game_data directly when a copy is not needed, new/better intro.

RC1: optimization, reduce memory usage

After 1.0: Ports for Dreamcast, XBox, OSX and Wii; more optimization and code checking with cppcheck and coverity


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