Well, plans change. Last time I was planning 2-months releases with minor fixes, but due to the help of several people, I decided to push ahead a plan to create Rockbot 2, but things are never that simple.
First, the main reason for the change, is not that I wanted to create a new game at all, but that the best way to fix most of the issues on Rockbot 1, is simply dropping compatibility to the game-data and refactoring large pieces of code and adding features that would be impossible with the old version. That said the main reason for Rockbot 2 is actually separating game-engine and game itself. To tell you the truth, the engine will now support multiple games. So you can expect the first “Rockbot 2” to be.. “Rockbot 1”!(?)
We’ll convert the old game to the new format/engine, so that it takes advantage of all fixes and new featurs such as running at 60 FPS with much better jumping, and to find issues and missing features on the new engine to prepara for a future Rockbot 2 release. And that is I wanted to tell you guys, the second game will take time to get out, we’ll only release a single demo with one stage. The reason is that there are a lot of things we need to change and fix, and we want to make the game better than the previous one, that was nice, but a bit simplistic in stages interaction. Let me give you a good example, in megaman 3, on Magnet stage, there were thos little flying magnets that pulled Megaman and allowed him to cross some pits. This was unique to that stage, and gave something that related how you play the stage with the stage theme, magnets in this case. I want this type of integration in the game, but that takes time, first to design the stage and put the ideas on paper, then create code, graphics, artificial inteligence, enemies to finally test all.
All in all, good news Rockbot 2 is real, bad news is you will need a bit of patience 🙂